Jumat, 24 November 2023

Paella Marisco Arroz Bomba

Paella Marisco Arroz Bomba

Paella de mariscos con arroz bomba, un tesoro gastronómico con sabor a mar. Prepara con nosotros este plato mediterráneo sorprendente y gustoso.

La paella de mariscos es uno de los platos más queridos de la gastronomía valenciana. Su gran sabor a mar,   la perfecta cocción del arroz y sus ingredientes de calidad han conquistado a los paladares más exquisitos de todo el mundo. 


Para una buena paella se necesitan productos de calidad y tres elementos fundamentales: un buen sofrito a cocción lenta, un caldo casero concentrado o fumet y una proteína de buena calidad, ya sea mariscos, pescado, carne de conejo, pollo o res.

Día De La Paella: ¿por Qué Es Mejor Hacerla Con Arroz Bomba?

En esta oportunidad prepararemos una paella de mariscos llenita de color y sabor, utilizaremos nuestro arroz bomba ideal para una paella con una perfecta textura y el fumet de pescado concentrado , ingredientes que acortarán el proceso de preparación de nuestro plato bandera.

Empezamos cortando las verduras para el sofrito. Lavamos los pimientos, los limpiamos y los picamos en brunoise, picamos la cebolla y los ajos finamente. Reservamos.

Prendemos el fuego y ponemos encima una paellera de hierro, agregamos un chorro de aceite de oliva, hasta que el fondo de la paellera quede cubierto.

Consejos Para Una Buena Paella

Cuando el aceite esté caliente, vertemos las verduras y las removemos con una pala hasta hacerlas dorar. Agregamos una poco de sal y dejamos cocinar el sofrito por unos 15 minutos.

Mientras tanto, limpiamos los mariscos. Lavamos las gambas y las escurrimos, limpiamos los mejillones con abundante agua, cortamos un poco las barbas con una tijera y quitamos los restos orgánicos de la concha con un cuchillo o una esponja de acero. Lavamos la sepia, la escurrimos y la cortamos entera en cuadrados medianos.

Ponemos las almejas en un recipiente con agua y sal para que se abran un poco y expulsen restos de arena. Las escurrimos y reservamos todos los mariscos en un plato grande.

Paella Rice With Fish And Seafood

Volvemos a la paellera, añadimos el jugo de tomate y la carne de ñora, removemos todo junto y dejamos que se cocine el sofrito por 3 minutos más.

Mientras tanto, ponemos el fumet de pescado a calentar en un cazo hasta que hierva, ya que necesitaremos utilizarlo en ese punto de hervor para hidratar el arroz de la paella.

Nacaramos el arroz. Agregamos el arroz bomba a la paella y lo removemos por un par de minutos, hasta que tome una color “nácar” brillante y un poco transparente.

Paella De Marisco

En ese punto, vertemos el fumet hirviendo en la paellera y agregamos las hebras de azafrán, la hoja de laurel y las almejas. Repartimos bien los ingredientes con una pala, removiéndolos ligeramente y dejamos cocinar todo a fuego medio.

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Paella is a comforting, colorful dish that originated in Valencia, Spain. It is mainly a rice dish, prepared with whatever you’re craving, or perhaps whatever you have available as leftovers.

Paella Fácil De Pescado Y Marisco. Receta

Not only is this a classic Valencian dish, it is also considered Spain’s national dish. And Spain is known for its delicious food!

You can make paella with meat, seafood, vegetables, or a combo of all of the above. And you can even make a vegetarian or vegan version, by adjusting the recipe slightly.

Paella de marisco is specifically a seafood variation on paella. It’s a particular favorite during the summer because it allows you to take advantage of whatever’s available fresh from the sea.


Spanish Seafood Paella Recipe

It’s absolutely stunning because of the colorful presentation and all the incredible seafood it’s packed with. This delicious seafood version will satisfy just about any guest who enjoys eating fish, shrimp, and other types of shellfish of both the crustacean and mollusk varieties.

This recipe uses many of the same ingredients as a bouillabaisse, and like that French provincial delicacy, you start it off by preparing a stock and incorporate loads of mussels and clams.

You’ll need a large paella pan to prepare this dish, or at the very least a large skillet. I prefer to use cast iron.

Closeup Of Homemade Paella

Paella de marisco is a summer seafood favorite in Spain, and it’s no wonder why. The rice dish brings the best of what’s fresh from the sea.

With a sturdy cutting board and sharp knife, peel and finely chop 1 1/2 large onions. You can use yellow or white onions here. And try not to cry with our helpful tips!

Scrub the mussels and clams well under cold running water. I like to use a small scrub brush to get the sand off.

Spanish Paellas: & Paella Valenciana Recipe

Devein the shrimp, if you like. I prefer to use whole, head-on shrimp for the best flavor, and a fun eating experience.

I used a light and crisp Sauvignon Blanc, but you can also use Verdejo, Pinot Grigio or Riesling, as long as they aren’t sweet. A variety of excellent options are available from Wine Insiders, like my favorite: Terra Sara Verdejo.


Add olive oil to a paella pan over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, add the onions and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes. The onions should be softened, not browned.

Spanische Paella Mixta Mit Hähnchenfleisch Und Meeresfrüchten

Stir in wine and allow the liquid to boil for about 1 minute. Add the stock, saffron, and salt, and stir to combine. This dish is excellent with a homemade seafood stock.

Turn the heat down to medium-low and bring the mixture to a simmer. Cook until half of the liquid is absorbed, for about 15 minutes. Be sure to move the pan around every so often so the rice cooks evenly.

Add all of the seafood except the shrimp, distributing it evenly all over the pan. Make sure each piece is nestled into the rice.

Receta Y Trucos Para Una Buena Paella De Arroz

You will continue to cook for about 20 minutes, simmering until the seafood is cooked through and the rice is al dente.

In the last 8 minutes of cooking, nestle the shrimp into the paella as well. These will not take as long to cook. Sprinkle the peas over the top at this point too.

When everything is cooked through, turn the heat up to high. Continue to cook for about 30 seconds, until the rice is toasted on the bottom, moving the pan around as it cooks.

Paella De Marisco, Una Receta Con Color Y Mucho Sabor

Remove the pan from the heat and set it aside to rest for 5 minutes. Sprinkle fresh parsley on top, and serve with lemon wedges.


There are many different kinds of white fish that you can use for this recipe. I used cod because I am a big fan of this variety. But you could also use monkfish, halibut, or sea bass.

Choose based on your taste preferences, and factor in what’s fresh and available at your local market. Strike up a conversation with your local fishmonger, and tell them what you’re making. They’ll probably be happy to help and provide suggestions!

Arroz Caldoso De Marisco, Riquísima Y Confortable Receta Casera

What kind of white fish will you use in this paella? Tell us in the comments below, and be sure to give this recipe a rating after you try it to let other readers know how much you enjoyed it!

Photos by Meghan Yager, © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Originally published on June 8, 2015. Last updated October 13, 2022. With additional writing and editing by Meghan Yager and Allison Sidhu.

Nutritional information derived from a database of known generic and branded foods and ingredients and was not compiled by a registered dietitian or submitted for lab testing. It should be viewed as an approximation.

Paella De Marisco Con Gambas, Almejas Y Mejillones

Lori was born in southern California and currently resides in Mexico. She is an actress and model who also writes in the fields of nutrition, wellness, and cuisine. Her passions include working as a volunteer with various groups in the rescue and rehabilitation of orphaned and injured animals.Seafood PaellaA seafood paella is without a doubt one of the most emblematic dishes in the Region of Valencia and all over Spain and it has become a tourist attraction for anyone visiting the country. Is it possible to resist such a delicious dish with the best ingredients from the coast of Spain?

We are not sure when the seafood paella originated or if it emerged at the same time as the traditional Valencian paella. Although it is believed that it was when meat ingredients were substituted for seafood. The richness of the Mediterranean Sea provided fishermen with the ingredients to make this exquisite alternative.

Today we will use the Albufera rice, a recent variety created in Valencia and cultivated only in the Albufera Natural Park. The Albufera rice variety is a cross between bomba rice (a short grain rice that doubles its size when cooked, whith a great capacity to absorb flavors) and senia rice, which brings together the best of each varieties, that is, it withstands overcooking and absorbs great flavor. If you cannot find this rice, do not worry as you can also use bomba rice.


Paella De Mariscos Authentic Recipe

Let’s start as

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